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Thornhill Primary School

Thornhill Primary School

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The Resources & Community Committee

Chair: Jonathan Dickie

The Resources & Community Committee meet twice each term and monitor and evaluate the use of and impact of the school’s budget, recruitment and professional development of staff, and premises. We ensure that the school operates within the financial regulations of the local authority and complies with any Department for Education and Schools Financial Value Standard requirements, responding to any issues arising from the audit of the school's accounts or Schools Financial Value Standard review and ensuring value for money.


We evaluate the value for money is achieved particularly in relation to specific grants such as pupil premium and monitor and evaluate staffing policies and procedures, ensuring that all principles of good and fair employment practice are adhered to and legal requirements fulfilled.


Along with the Head Teacher we agree the staffing establishment and structure in relation to the budget and the school development plan, monitor staff deployment, absence, recruitment, retention and morale. We ensure a review of the whole school pay policy to take account of local and national developments and make appropriate recommendations to the Full Governing Board.


The Committee also monitor the school premises and health and safety policy we draw up medium and long-term plans relating to the repair, maintenance and development of the school buildings and infrastructure and recommend action to the Full Governing Board. We also evaluate health and safety and emergency procedures ensuring that necessary checks and risk assessments are carried out and action points are implemented.

  • Thornhill Primary School,
  • Thornhill Road,
  • London,
  • N1 1HX