The Learning & Teaching Committee
Chair: Paul Symes
The Learning & Teaching Committee meet twice each term and monitor and evaluate pupil achievement and the quality of teaching, ensuring the school provides a high-quality learning experience and delivers a broad and balanced curriculum in keeping with the school's aims, the needs of all pupils and legal requirements. We contribute to, monitor and update relevant policies and the school improvement plan reporting or making recommendations to the Full Governing Board.
We monitor how the school deals with its statutory obligations in relation to the National Curriculum, the quality of the assessment system and the performance of different groups, subjects and key stages making relevant comparisons to local and national data.
The committee analyse trends and ensure the school’s provision, progress and attainment of vulnerable groups such as disadvantaged children, looked after children, and the effectiveness of any intervention strategies is maintained.
We ensure that the school fulfils its responsibilities for pupils with special educational needs and with disabilities along with the overall quality of teaching at Thornhill and the impact of interventions linked to specific grants such as pupil premium.
The Learning & Teaching Committee also ensure that the range and impact of extra- curricular activities on pupil achievement and well-being continues to improve and how well our teaching prepares pupils for the next stage in their education.