School Education lays the vital foundations of a child’s life.
Regular and punctual attendance at school is key to both academic and social development, which in turn will improve the life chances of children and young people.
Parents and carers have a legal duty to ensure that their children attend school regularly and punctually in order to optimise their learning, achieve the best they can and get the most out of their school experience.
Thornhill Primary School is committed to working closely with parents and carers to achieve the maximum levels of regular and punctual attendance possible.
Please can we take this opportunity to reiterate that under no circumstances will family holidays be approved during term time; research shows that attendance below 90% has a serious detrimental impact on the progress of children at school.
If an unexpected life event occurs, and you wish to request term time leave for your child, please contact the school office with ideally 4 weeks' notice of the absence (or at least as much notice as possible).